Saturday, February 24, 2007


So this morning I'm looking around the blogging world... seeing what's new. Yeah, I know I do this every day, but during the week I don't give myself time to look around all of them... there just wouldn't be enough time in the day!

I haven't been to visit the PlotMonkeys in at least two weeks, so today I wandered over. This blogging group is probably one of my favourite's. I'm a huge fan of Carly Phillips, who is a member of the PM and with her in the group are three other amazing and inspirational authors, (Leslie Kelly, Janelle Denison, and Julie Leto,) so what's not to love?!

Anyways - I'm getting to my point, I swear - Today Carly posted a story on her road to publication. I read it and thought it was such a motivating story for anyone who needs to get their writing done or is struggling with publication or even has enough rejection letter's to wallpaper a room! (Ever since you said this line to me - you know who you are - I can't get it out of my head! I love it!)

So if you have time, go over to the PlotMonkeys and read Carly's story. It's nothing new... author struggle... author doesn't give up... author gets published. And maybe it's just me because I'm such a fan of her work, but reading this I kept thinking who the heck would send Carly a rejection? ;) And holy cow... maybe you could even say a rejection is normal?

Have a great weekend everyone!


Wylie Kinson said...

I shall have to check out these monkeys who plot. Very intriguing!!

Unknown said...

What a great post my Carly. I love hearing other people's stories to see how they made it. It reassures me.

Unknown said...

Meant to say BY Carly...not my...still sleepy...

Anonymous said...

Hee, plot monkeys. That's cute! Gonna check out their blog! :)

Rene said...

They make it look so easy, don't they? But you realize they have gone through as much and more than us. When I get down about rejections, I think of la Nora and realize she didn't sell until her 8th manuscript.

Amy Ruttan said...

I think I shall sidle over. I need some motivation, and monkeys and Carly Phillips might be enough to do that.

Wylie Kinson said...

Nora Roberts didn't sell until her 8th manuscript? Really??!?!?!
I had not idea! There's hope for us yet, my fellow greenies!